Friday, November 2, 2012

The Worst Appointment Ever

Author's Note: This is a piece that I did with a group of people, and in this piece, we were supposed to come up with a certain word or phrase and when they told us to say our word, we would say it and put it into our story. The words are bolded. 

Robert walked slowly into the dentist's office, scared and bewildered by all the ominous machinery.  He was very unenthusiastic about the operation. The dentist had his machine inside his teeth and wouldn't let go, like the time the ball that Robert was playing with rolled under the dog, and he wouldn't get up. The dentist did not pull the machine out happily, he ripped it out as hard as he could. The dentist then gave him some medicine to make pulling out his loose tooth less painful, as the dentist gave him the medicine, suddenly everything became colorful, he felt like he was on top of the Empire State building in New York City. When the medicine wore off, he saw that the tissue in his mouth was as red as blood.  He jumped out of the chair and ran out the door, because to him, the appointment was over, and he decided that he would never go there ever again. Robert ran into a student.

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