Iraq Report
About 24 million people in Iraq use cell phones, even though it’s area is only about 169,200 sq miles, while the United States’ area is about 3,794,000 sq miles. Iraq is a growing country that is important in current affairs because, it is a modern country, and they aren’t as different as we are, though because of wars, some people in Iraq suffered, but the people of Iraq aren’t going to randomly come over here and drop a giant bomb on us.
Iraq’s location is in Asia, between Iran and Kuwait, the environment's characteristics are mountains, plains and marshes. The climate in Iraq isn’t very helpful, because some people in Iraq don’t have a lot of money, so they can’t afford an air conditioner, so they might have a hard time living if the temperature gets really hot, which could cause droughts, it also doesn’t help that the country is mostly desert. If they have a lot of snow during winter, it will melt in the northern part of Iraq which will cause flooding, which is a big problem. They also have to worry about avalanches in the northern part of Iraq, and they also have to worry about sandstorms and dust storms.
There is more technology in Iraq than you may think there is, about 325,900 people use the internet, and 24,000,000 people use cell phones, that is a lot of people for a country of its size. There are 104 airports in Iraq, which means that if people can afford a ticket, they could travel somewhere without having to waste gas. The people in Iraq eat food that you wouldn’t normally see in the United States, everybody also eat their food in a giant dish when they have a meal, now that may sound disgusting, but for them, it is a way for people to bond. The percentage of religions in Iraq are, Muslim is 97% of the religion in Iraq, and christianity and other religions are 3% of the religion in Iraq.
The difference between the houses in the United States and Iraq, is that most of the houses here are made of stone and concrete on the outside, and are held together by a bunch of wooden struts, while most people in Iraq live in houses that are made of sand - like materials, like sandstone or clay, some people in Iraq have to live in very bad conditions, in houses that look like they are made from a bunch of sheets sewn together and held up by branches from trees. The clothing that the people in Iraq wear is much different than the clothes that people in the United States wear, the men wear robe - like clothes, the women wear the same thing, except they have a hood like thing that covers their head, it looks kind of like a hair net that cooks wear.
If I visited Iraq, it would be different than how things are in America, because they aren’t as modern as we are, but they aren’t a bunch of people that uses horses and get all of their food from crops, they use cell phones, drive cars and they use airports, there are 104 airports in Iraq, if they were put on a scale that shows how modern each of the countries, they would be one or two years behind, like I said, they aren’t a bunch of amish people who live in a country and think that using technology is the wrong way to live, they are just like us.
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