Tuesday, November 27, 2012

PHEOC Pictures

The pictures from the PHEOC experiment are on my 7th grade blog. (There is a link at the bottom of the page. Or you can use the link on the right and then go to the page.)

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Worst Appointment Ever

Author's Note: This is a piece that I did with a group of people, and in this piece, we were supposed to come up with a certain word or phrase and when they told us to say our word, we would say it and put it into our story. The words are bolded. 

Robert walked slowly into the dentist's office, scared and bewildered by all the ominous machinery.  He was very unenthusiastic about the operation. The dentist had his machine inside his teeth and wouldn't let go, like the time the ball that Robert was playing with rolled under the dog, and he wouldn't get up. The dentist did not pull the machine out happily, he ripped it out as hard as he could. The dentist then gave him some medicine to make pulling out his loose tooth less painful, as the dentist gave him the medicine, suddenly everything became colorful, he felt like he was on top of the Empire State building in New York City. When the medicine wore off, he saw that the tissue in his mouth was as red as blood.  He jumped out of the chair and ran out the door, because to him, the appointment was over, and he decided that he would never go there ever again. Robert ran into a student.

The Horrible Circus Clown

Author's Note: This is a piece that I did with a group of people, and in this piece, we were supposed to come up with a certain word or phrase and when they told us to say our word, we would say it and put it into our story. The words are bolded. This is the first of a few stories, that I will work on.

As soon as the elephant left the center ring, Henry leaned forward to see which circus act would come out next in this strangest circus he had ever seen. So far there were bicycling-riding bears, lions jumping into pools of flaming water, and seals who tossed bowling pins to one another, balanced on the tips of their noses. Henry leaned forward, he almost fell out of his seat when the forest performer appeared… his greatest fear became realized. It was the clowns! The first clown was plump and fat, the second was short and as skinny as a broom, and slowly, the last clown came out, and Henry covered his eyes and tried to forget the face of the clown, his eyes were as red as blood, his face was a white as fog, and his hair was spiked up, and worst of all, he was carrying a chainsaw! 

When he got home, Henry hid in the sink. Henry had always been afraid of clowns, ever since his sixth birthday, when a clown shot him out of a cannon, and after seeing that clown, he would never go to the circus again. When his mom found him under the sink when she got home at 8, she put him in his bed. The giant evil clown was chasing him with a cannon, and when he got close, he shoved Henry and put him in the cannon, and he went flying to Vermont. He woke up and realized that it was only a dream, he had had 3 nightmares that night, all about the clown, he ran out of the house and during the racquet ball game, all of the players looked like the evil clown.

He sprinted to the nearest mental center, and checked himself into the room 121, the room that had nothing but a white wall, floor, and ceiling, and Henry stayed there, fearing that the evil clown would find him. He took some medicine, that would keep him awake, but they didn't work, because he fell asleep, and of course, the clown was chasing him, but this time he was chasing him with a flamethrower, and when he almost burnt him to a 1,100,000th of a human, a strange person came and he grabbed the clown, threw the clown, and the clown went flying over the rainbow. He woke up and the stranger was there, he gave him a wing, and he told him that if he kept it, he would never have a nightmare.Henry looked at the wing for a second and when he looked up, the strange person disappeared, he thought it must have been Preposterous Ronald, but when he asked the nurse, she unintelligently said he had died two days ago. Henry asked how long he was in there, and she said he had been there for and entire month. His confusion was flaming, it felt like only a day. An iguana had leapt right past him, and Weird Eric walked by yelling, "Come back here Steve!" that’s what Weird Eric does, he chases his pet iguana Steve. That night, he had the wing and another one he found, but they didn't work, because the clown chased him in an autumn environment, and when he almost caught him, a girl and boy appeared out of nowhere, and the girl and boy used their power over dreams to cast the clown out of Henry's dreams forever. He never forgot that strange person. Henry finally got the courage to go the circus.