Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Space Report

Author's Note: This is my report on how everything in the universe is organized. In this report, I was working on using the knowledge that I already know, and researching topics I didn't know as little as possible. 

In a spaceship that passed many objects in space, the pilot noticed that all of the objects where moving around objects the same way he wrote down what he noticed, and turned the ship around to tell everybody that the theory that everything in the universe was just floating around randomly was incorrect; everything in the universe follows a pattern. The universe isn't just a big open space with random things floating around randomly. If you were to leave Earth and fly around the universe, you would see that everything is organized the same way. 

The moon, what is it's purpose? It doesn't have a purpose, it is just a giant asteroid - like rock that orbits the Earth. The Earth is the closet planet to the sun that has a moon, because the two planets closest to the sun because if they did have a moon, it would get pulled in by the Sun's gravitational pull. Even though the moon isn't bright enough to make it bright at night, it refracts light off the sun, which is why it isn't pitch - black at night. Earth isn't the only planet with a moon. All of the planets, besides two, Mercury and Venus have one or more moon. For an object to be a moon, it has to orbit a planet. For a satellite to orbit a planet, it needs to have three things, Force, mass, and gravity, and those three principles need to be balanced. If there is no gravitational pull from the Earth, then the satellite would fly into space until it crashes into another object or gets pulled into a different planets gravitational pull because Newton's 1st law, and if the force that is pushing the satellite around the planet where increased, it would go so fast that it would fly out of Earth's gravitational pull, and if the force was decreased, it would plummet to the Earth.  If the mass was to great, then the satellite would collide with planet, because the gravitational pull would act on the mass of the satellite and bring it down to Earth. If one of those principles was changed, then the others would have to change to be balanced, or it would not stay in orbit.

The planets in our solar system are like huge satellites, they need force, gravity, and mass to be balanced, except instead of orbiting a planet, they orbit the sun, and the sun is what creates the gravitational pull that the planets use. Because they are farther than a satellite or a moon are to a planet, they have to have greater mass than a moon or a satellite, they also have to have greater force, and the sun has to have a greater gravitational pull, or what would happen to a moon or a satellite would happen to a planet, it would plummet to the Earth, etc. The sun, the planets don't orbit the sun because it has the greatest gravitational pull, the planets just got caught in it's gravitational pull.
A nebula is a cloud of dust or gas in space, that often move around bigger objects. A nebula is bigger than the sun, so a nebula often move around by galaxies. A nebula is created by exploding stars. The galaxy that our solar system is in is the Milky Way, and the closest galaxy is the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy, and it is inside the Milky Way, and the closest galaxy outside ours is Andromeda. Our solar system is called the Solar System, because the word solar means sun. Our solar system is 30,000 light years away from the center of the Milky Way.

A black hole is not a hole, it is an area that is completely black, and nothing can escape a black hole. A comet is formed by liquid hydrogen, which causes the ice in a comet, and are distinguished from asteroids by a tail, while asteroids do not have a tail. An asteroid is formed when a star explodes, or collides with another planet. Comets do not orbit other objects, they just fly in space. An asteroid does not orbit anything, and Newton's first law explains this, Newton's law says that any object in motion or at rest will stay at rest or in motion unless acted upon by another force, so the asteroid will just fly until it hits another force in space. The biggest difference between a comet and an asteroid is that a comet has a tail, while an asteroid doesn't, and a comet doesn't orbit around a single object, it has a longer orbit that can be around three or four different objects, while an asteroid just flies through space until it hits something.  

If you were to leave Earth and fly around the universe, you would see that everything is organized the same way. Objects in space don't just float randomly, they all either follow a pattern or are moving around their solar system, which is moving around their galaxy, which is also moving around the universe. Newton's First Law is important to the universe, similar effects would happen if any of the three principles were changed. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Single Gender Schools

    What are advantages to single gender schools? If school is preparing students for the real world then single gender schools are helping students learn better, but it does not prepare them for when they are adults.

    Some schools only allow students from one gender, this raises some advantages, but it also  raises some disadvantages, which don't make those advantages worth it. The biggest  disadvantage is that single gender schools can cause gender stereotypes, which means that  students will prefer to play or hang out with students from the same gender. If school is  preparing students for the real world, then this is not preparing them, because if students don't  get used to working and collaborating with people of the opposite gender, then they won't be  able to work with employees of the opposite gender at their job. That is a big advantage of co-ed schools, because students can work with opposite gender students.

    Removing distractions from opposite genders does not remove all distractions, because students from opposite genders are not the only distraction, there are many things that can be distracting, for example, there are a lot of things that can distract students from people of the same gender, like guys can get distracted if another guy is  goofing off. Guys could also get distracted talking to other guys about sports or video games, or if a guy is bored, they can easily get distracted by something outside, and girls can get distracted by other girls talking about their favorite band, or about their favorite singer, or they could get distracted by texting their friends on their phone. Both guys and girls can easily get distracted by something outside or something in the room, almost anything can be distracting.

    If school is preparing students for the real world, then single gender schools are not preparing students for the real world. Even though a guy learns using a learning style that is better for guys, they do not get to work or collaborate with students that are girls. That does not prepare them for when they are adults and have a job, because most jobs require employees of both genders. If someone cannot work well with people of opposite genders, then they will not be very successful as adults.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Blog

I will try to have two or more posts on my blog a month, and I am also working on a story for my blog, the part of the story that I have finished is on the page "Fictional Story."

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Difference between Asa and Tomah Middle School

Author's Note: This is a compare and a contrast between Asa and the last school I went to. I am working on repeating things less often and describing things well enough so people can understand. 

I have been to a bunch of different schools and the last school I went to was Tomah Middle School. It is northwest of Pewaukee. There are many differences between Tomah and Asa, and most of them are better at Asa.

The similarities between the schools are that they have all the basic classes, science, social studies, English, and math. The second similarity is that they have periods for each class. Another similarity is that they both start and end at different times than most schools do. Most schools start around 8:00 in the morning and end around 3:00 in the afternoon.

There are many differences between the two schools. The first difference is that Tomah has ten hours. Each hour is 43 minutes long. While at Asa they have 5 hours . The second difference is that they don't have resource, they have study hall, and it is at 5th period, which is the middle of the day, while resource is at the end of the day. Another difference is that Asa starts earlier and ends earlier than Tomah, Tomah started at 7:55 am and ended at 3:10pm, while Asa starts at 7:30am, and ends at 2:45pm. Another major difference is that the middle school is for 6th – 8th graders, while Asa is 7&8th graders. Another difference is that the 6th grade students would be in either 6-1 or 6-2. 6-1 students would be on one side of the school and the 6-2 students would be on the other side of the school. While here everyone is the same. The biggest difference is that Asa Clark has Academy 21, while Tomah didn’t. 

There are many  differences between Tomah an Asa, and most of them are better at Asa. That is because Asa Clark focuses more on independence than Tomah. I can't be entirely sure that Tomah is the same as it was two years ago, but those are the differences between the two schools from what I remember about Tomah.